You have to love CraigsList. We got the kids their first swing set this weekend and they LOVE it. It should give them many hours of fun. (we hope!) We still have lot's of work to do in the backyard but this is a start.
As we all get older, we realize that to get by in life, we need to be a multi-tasker. It is the only way to accomplish all we want to do. Apparently Logan is starting early.
Lauren usually wakes up from her naps and sleeping at night a very happy girl. She seems very content to lay in bed and talk to her toes or her bunnies. That is why we were all surprised when she was the one to climb out of her crib.
We made a big purchase today, actually 3 purchases to be more exact. The kids have shown a little interest so we are now the proud owners of 3 new potties. 2 will go upstairs and 1 will go downstairs. We would have bought a 4th but the downstairs bathroom just isn't big enough. I let the kids play with their new "froggie potties". Their bathroom has a frog theme so I thought these were fun.
Then as I was taking these pictures, they made some funny faces, which I thought were pretty funny considering they were "on the potties".
I also really hope that they do not do this when they have actually used the potty. They were walking around saying "hat".
Most kids love playing in boxes and our kids are no exception. However, there was a time when one box would give us weeks, days, and hours of fun. Unfortunately, no longer. This poor box was not in the best of shape when I gave it to the kids but it was in one piece and all put together. I think it took the kids less than 30 minutes to put the poor box to rest. The "destructo" kids are at it again.
Some of you may wonder what Logan does when he not riding his hot wheels...
Or working to become an award winning painter...
He is spending his time lining up his blocks, or whatever other toy he might be playing with at that time. He lines up cars, animals, blocks, food, puzzle piece, you name it. Silly boy!
I have been doing some cleaning and organizing in our basement. Yes, I know we just moved and you would have thought that we would have cleaned all our junk out before we moved. I have spent the last few weeks putting stuff on shelves and labeling boxes. There is something very satisfying about doing all that. This is how I have spent naptime.
While I was cleaning, I came across a childhood treasure. This picture was made for me by my wonderful Godmother when I was little. I really don't know how she did it or what it was made for but this little piece of history is now in the kids' bathroom.